Several state entities in Ohio administer grant programs that provide funds to Ohio libraries, archives, and cultural heritage organizations to support collection digitization and online discoverability of digital collections. Information about each of these grant opportunities is provided below.

America 250 – Ohio Grants Program

Grants are specific to non-profit, educational, and local governmental organizations to support educational and commemorative programming about the two-hundred-fiftieth anniversary of the independence and founding of the United States. The purpose of this grant program is to draw attention to the achievements, struggles, honors, innovations, and significance of all people in Ohio since before its founding to the present day. Grant funding is $5,000 (local or community-wide impact) and $50,000 (state, regional, or significant local impact). Grant cycle is generally in the Spring and Fall. Check website link for dates.

LSTA Metadata Mini-Grants

Applications are due in July. Administered by the State Library of Ohio, these grants enable libraries to digitize and create new collections for the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Any public library, academic library, or special (archive, museum, other cultural heritage institution) library located in Ohio is eligible to apply.

Note: Successful applicants must be prepared to have a digital collection(s) with 250 or more metadata records ready for harvest by the grant’s metadata review period deadline.

Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board regrants

Applications usually due in late March, and require a match (which can include staff/volunteer (in-kind) time). Grants can be for $500-5,000 and up to 1 year.

Note: Cannot be for newspaper digitization or oral history projects (excluding oral history project involving Native Americans).

Ohio History Fund

Applications usually due in late September, and require 40% matching funds for the Programs and Collections. Grants can be for $2,000-20,000 and for up to 2 years.

Ohio Humanities

Two types of grants are available:

Ignite grants (up $20,000), deadlines in February, June, and October. Provides funds to develop and produce deeply researched, engaging, and immersive projects that appeal to a large audience of Ohioans.

Spark grants (up to $5,000), deadlines on the first business day of every month. Provides funds to develop and produce programs that spark conversations about issues that are relevant to Ohioans today.

Note: These grants are much more catered toward projects focusing on accessibility of and public engagement with digital collections, such as exhibitions and oral history projects. Projects comprised mostly of digitization work likely will not qualify.

Ohio Local History Alliance

Deadline in mid-February and require a match (cash match or volunteer time). Grants can be for up to $2,500.

Note: OHLA Membership required to apply for grant.


last updated: 2024-03-08 || URL: https://www.ohiodig.org/resources/ohio-grants || maintained by: Brenda Foster || questions or comments: bfoster@ccad.edu